This is taken from this webserver which is based in Dallas, TX. I wanted to give an example traceroute to the two lobby servers for FFXIV.
– list of all servers and their status. – the top level “gateway” status, determines the color of the gear “World” icon in the launcher. json files that also provide the server status for people wanting to do a server-status page themselves, those being: Note that the URL has “beta3″ in it, which means it will most likely change for beta4 and release, so don’t count on it staying around forever. The “World Status” page that is shown in the launcher can be seen directly in your browser, you don’t even have to launch the game. To give you an idea of what the “Excellent” vs “Good” means, I have a ping of 76ms to the excellent server and a ping of 175ms to the good server. The game determines this by pinging the lobby server for each world group and assigning a name to the resulting ping. You’ll notice the “CONNECTION” quality in the above two pictures. Hovering over a NA server shows a connection of “Excellent” for me. You can see an example of this in the 2 screenshots below: The FFXIV client gives you an indicator of your ping to the server when you are selecting a server. This means no servers are hosted in Europe.
These EU servers are still hosted in the Canadian datacenter. This is important to know as you will see servers marked as (EU) in the NA/EU list. The selection of the server within a world group has no impact on your ping. This selection determines if you will be playing on a server in Tokyo, Japan or Montreal, Canada. When you are selecting a server to create your FFXIV character on, you have to first choose between the “JP” and “NA/EU” group.
There was some guessing in the community that the North American servers would be located in Canada, and they are correct! With Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn releasing in two months, and with the beta servers now online with regional servers, I figured it was time to take a peek at where the servers were located. My post below gives players real FFXIV servers to ping test against.
This post was partially inspired by a FFXIV post from Reddit: How to check your NA server ping.