And LinkedMarkMail live transforms into RDF/XML the mailing lists' archives indexed by MarkMail. SWAML transforms a mailing list into RDF/XML and XHTML+RDFa using SIOC. aboutMsg.py converts email metadata to RDF. email2rdf transforms email mbox files into RDF/XML. STEAMY converts Debian packages to RDF. (SWAP) No idea whether this would be a quick hack to export debian data. finkn3.py Takes Fink (OS-X port of Debian packaging) dependencies and converts to to RDF/N3. The package information in Debian and similar systems (Ubuntu, Fink, etc), with its general usefulness and its graph-like nature, is a clear candidate for conversion to RDF. The mapping is written in standard SPARQL 1.1. Tarql is a command-line application that converts CSV to RDF with a user-defined mapping. The tool uses identifiers for source organization, dataset, and version to establish default namespaces for all URIs created and provides VoID and provenance metadata as part of the conversion output. #PLIST TO XML CONVERTER ONLINE HOW TO#
csv2rdf4lod uses declarative RDF enhancement parameters to specify how to transform tabular data into well-structured, well-connected RDF.
XLWrap wraps spreadsheets (including cross tables) to arbitrary RDF graphs supports Excel/OpenDocument/CSV streamed processing, local/HTTP loading, expressions similar to Excel/OpenOffice Calc, custom functions, usage via API or SPARQL endpoint. #PLIST TO XML CONVERTER ONLINE WINDOWS#
RDF123 has Windows and Linux applications to download, a Java application and servlet.The schema mapping can be defined in a graphical UI. It can convert Excel, CSV, and other tabular data to RDF. An RDF Extension is available for Google Refine.This was a link from RDFizers but may be incorrect. BibPub is a portlet that publishes your BibTeX bibliography in machine readable HTML+RDFa format.Java BibTeX-To-RDF Converter based on the SWRC terminology.An online service set up at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, following the OntoWeb portal vocabulary.bibtex2rdf - A configurable BibTeX to RDF Converter by Wolf Siberski.
bibtex2rdf transforms BibTEX files into RDF/XML. Also provides HTML interface and RSS feed. Uses a custom BibTeX ontology but provides a table of mappings to other ontologies. BibBase transforms BibTeX files (given in a URL) into Linked Data with RDF/XML output support. Please add converters as you make them or hear of them.īibTex is the format for bibliographic references in TeX. 1.32 Quick and Dirty CSV to RDF Converter (QUIDICRC). (having the property Checked set to a true value). Them, and prints the titles of any calendars being displayed by iCal This sample script finds the calendar defintions, reads AlarmFilter AlarmsDisabled AttachmentFilter AutoRefresh Checked 1 Color #808000FF Enabled Key 4221BCE5-1017-4EE4-B7FF-311A846C600D NeedsForcedUpdate NeedsRefresh Order 25 RefreshDate RefreshInterval 3600 SubscriptionTitle Athens, GA Weather - By Weather Underground SubscriptionURL TaskFilter Title Athens, GA Weather - By Weather Underground Type Subscription